Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Personal // camping by the mountain

At the end of last week we headed off to camp for three nights in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range with some very lovely people and our twenty - yes, twenty! - kids between us.

I'm not much of a camper* and it was a pretty full-on experience with a one-year-old, a cold snap, and rain** but the setting and the company was absolutely delightful.

The kids, of course, had the time of their lives and begged to stay for an extra week.

* understatement
** massive understatement - I have never been so cold or so stressed in my life trying to keep three children warm that first night. It was THAT cold. I didn't get to sleep, too busy trying to warm little bodies, and then had to drive home (two-hour round trip on no sleep) to bring back more blankets, beanies, and every warm article of clothing we owned. So relaxing, ha! 

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